Rotary 3131 - Project Details

27-07-2023 - 27-07-2023

On 27 July 2023, we had the second Interact Installation of year 23-24 of Rotary Club of Poona successfully done at Don Bosco Junior college. 70 Interactors were present along with their teachers, Interact Coordinator Mrs Pearl Fernandes, and their Supervisor Mr Leo D’Souza. The new interact Office bearers are : President - Master Ajinkya Parkhe Std 12 Vice President - Master Tinu Abraham Secretary - Miss Akanksha Misal Treasurer- Irene Sonwane We inducted 6 Directors also President Rtn Narendra {al Singh Bakshi, Director Youth Service Rtn Madhuri Rao and Interact chairman Rotary/Ann Daljeet Raizada guided the children regarding the work of Rotary and Interact. Rtn Niamat Virji, R/Anns Turan Desai, Parul Parekh and Vibhavari Sheode were also present. First Lady R/Ann Inderpal Kaur too graced the occasion. The Convener of this ceremony was R/Ann Daljeet Raizada. Our president spoke about how to build leadership and above all how Rotary works. He said that helping each other makes our society stronger. The students were very excited to listen to him. Our Director Youth Service Rtn Madhuri Rao encouraged children to build a strong society. She urged them to have more new projects in the school. Rtn Niamat Virji explained how students can look-up the internet on how Interact works. An important message from Supervisor Mr D’Souza was to start Ryla again in their college. He was very thankful to Rtn Niamat and Rtn Aarti for doing an event named Madonna. He felicitated each and every guest with a beautiful painting with Madonna written on it. We then had two projects which were organised by Inner Wheel club of Poona Downtown. One was on zero waste and discarding plastic to adopt environment friendly things by Mrs Mita Banerjee who has started this campaign in Pune. The students enjoyed this session and pledged that they will never use plastic and will teach others too. The second was activity of craft by Mrs Divya Bhatt, a member of Inner Wheel club of Poona Downtown, who showed the students how to make paper bags at home and use them every day. It was a very fruitful session which got compliments from our Interact team and the interact coordinator. Mrs Pearl Fernandes. Mrs Mita Banerjee sent a card of gratitude. A big thanks to all members who attended. A big thanks to President of RC Poona and President of IWCPD. It was a Synergy project between the two clubs.

Project Details

Start Date 27-07-2023
End Date 27-07-2023
Project Cost 1480
Rotary Volunteer Hours 32
No of direct Beneficiaries 70
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Inner Wheel Club of Pune Downtown ; Don Bosco Junior College
Project Category Basic Education and Literacy, Vocational Service