Rotary 3131 - Project Details

23-10-2023 - 23-10-2023

**Heal Your Eyes Workshop: Empowering Students with Visionary Eye Care** Rotary Club of Patalganga, organized a transformative Heal Your Eyes Workshop on 23rd October 2023 at Sanjivani School @ Rees aimed at promoting eye health awareness among school students. The workshop, conducted by the esteemed Dr. Siddhi Shah from The Eye Yoga Centre at Bandra, proved to be an enlightening and empowering experience for the young participants. Dr. Shah's impressive credentials and dedication to eye care set the stage for an informative session. President Reshma kurup acknowledged her invaluable contribution to the field of eye health and attended by Rtn. Megha Korde. The workshop saw enthusiastic participation from students, accompanied by their teachers, showcasing the high level of interest in learning about eye care. Dr. Siddhi Shah delved into various aspects of eye health, emphasizing the importance of eye care in the digital age. She shared valuable tips on maintaining healthy eyes and demonstrated eye exercises that are easy to incorporate into daily routines. The students actively engaged in the interactive session, eagerly following Dr. Shah's instructions and seeking clarifications. The practical exercises provided them with a hands-on experience of caring for their eyes, empowering them to adopt healthier habits. In conclusion, the Heal Your Eyes Workshop conducted by Rotary Club of Patalganga was a resounding success. Dr. Siddhi Shah's expertise and practical insights equipped the students with valuable knowledge on eye care. This initiative will undoubtedly pave the way for better eye health and well-being among the young participants.

Project Details

Start Date 23-10-2023
End Date 23-10-2023
Project Cost 1000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 20
No of direct Beneficiaries 35
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment, Maternal and Child Health