Rotary 3131 - Project Details

08-10-2023 - 08-10-2023

Rotary Club of Pune Synergy proudly orchestrated a grand chess tournament in collaboration with the All India Chess Federation (AICF) and Pune District Chess Association (PDCA). The event, a strategic blend of intellect and sportsmanship, witnessed an impressive participation of 437 enthusiasts. Beyond the thrill of competition, the tournament served a dual purpose as a remarkably successful fundraising initiative. This exceptional event not only showcased the strategic brilliance of the participants but also highlighted the community's unwavering support for a noble cause. Through the collective efforts of players, organizers, and supporters, Rotary Club of Pune Synergy raised a commendable 2.25 lakhs in funds. These funds are a beacon of hope for various social initiatives that the club passionately champions. The tournament exemplified the club's commitment to combining intellectual pursuits with social responsibility, creating a harmonious synergy that goes beyond the chessboard. Rotary Club of Pune Synergy extends heartfelt gratitude to all participants and contributors who made this event a triumph for both the mind and the community.

Project Details

Start Date 08-10-2023
End Date 08-10-2023
Project Cost 400000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 300
No of direct Beneficiaries 10000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic Education and Literacy, Economic and Community Development, Other Projects, Special Projects