Rotary 3131 - Project Details

28-10-2023 - 28-10-2023

RCP TIlak Road alongwith AFMC conducted a Blood Donation Camp. We received a good response and were able to collect blood from 75 donors. Thanks to the efforts of all our members and special thanks to Mr Parnal Dekhane for arranging a successful camp and to Amar Society for making us the Hall available free of charge. President Girish Brahme, First Lady Radhika Brahme, Secretary Sanjeev Karanjkar, Ann Sujata Karanjkar, Rtn Devdatta Hambardikar, Ann Manjiri Hambardikar, Rtn Charudatta Bhave,Rtn Aparna Kshirsagar, Rtn Alka Kulkarni, Rtn Madhura Joshi,Ann Anagha Talathi, Rtn Manjiri Badwe and Rtn Narendra Khedekar helped in the smooth functioning of the camp. The donors from our club were Swati Patil, Uday Kshirsagar, Mahendra Shah, Kalpana Shah, Hemant Talathi, Mahesh Dabeer, Parimal Khurjekar, Satyajit Badawe and Dr Aditya Avinash Kelkar.

Project Details

Start Date 28-10-2023
End Date 28-10-2023
Project Cost 12000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 90
No of direct Beneficiaries 225
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners AFMC and Amar Society
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment