Rotary 3131 - Project Details

05-09-2023 - 17-10-2023

The Rotary Club of Mahad took pride in organizing and sponsoring the Ideal Teacher Award Distribution event, celebrating the dedication and excellence of teachers from nearby villages of Mahad. This report highlights the key details and outcomes of this remarkable event. The award distribution ceremony took place on 17th Oct 2023 at Visava Hotel attracting a gathering of educators, students, and community members. The primary objective of this event was to recognize and honour outstanding teachers who have made significant contributions to education and the community. 4 Teachers from nearby villages of Mahad were nominated for the Ideal Teacher Award. The selection process involved thorough evaluation, including classroom observations, student and parent feedback, and their impact on the community. The event was graced by the presence of esteemed guests Commando Mr. Prashant Gorje from Indian Coast Guard Ships , who commended the teachers for their exceptional work. Heartfelt speeches were delivered by the Rotary Club of Mahad representatives & Teachers, recognizing the significance of teachers in shaping the future and expressing gratitude for their dedication. The event fostered a sense of community unity and appreciation for educators, encouraging them to continue their outstanding work in nurturing young minds. The Ideal Teacher Award Distribution event organized and sponsored by the Rotary Club of Mahad was a resounding success. It celebrated the unsung heroes of education and brought attention to the invaluable work of teachers in the nearby villages of Mahad. The event was a testament to the commitment of the Rotary Club of Mahad to support and recognize excellence in education. We express our gratitude to all the teachers who inspire and empower the future generations. Their dedication is a beacon of hope, and their influence is immeasurable.

Project Details

Start Date 05-09-2023
End Date 17-10-2023
Project Cost 16500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 110
No of direct Beneficiaries 4
Partner Clubs No
Non Rotary Partners No
Project Category Basic Education and Literacy