Rotary 3131 - Project Details

15-09-2023 - 16-09-2023

@ Day RYLA was organised at HOCL Educational campus 1st Day of our 2 Day RYLA at HOCL School We had arranged 3 Lectures by following speakers: 1. Lecture on Leadership & Communication skills by Rtn. Divakaran Pillai 2. Lecture on Good Nutrition by Rtn. Dr. Swati Likhite 3. Lecture on Career Guidance by Rrn. Prashant Mane 2nd Day of our 2 Day RYLA at HOCL School We had arranged 3 Lectures by following speakers: 1. Lecture on Disaster Management by Gurunath Satalkar & team 2. Lecture on Environment by Rtn. Rajendrakumar Saraf 3. Motivational speech by Rrn. Dr. Shailesh Palekar It was a wonderful and knowledgeable Lecture and children enjoyed the entire RYLA. We also have the Participation Certificate to all students who attended 2- day RYLA

Project Details

Start Date 15-09-2023
End Date 16-09-2023
Project Cost 70000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 100
No of direct Beneficiaries 400
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic Education and Literacy