Rotary 3131 - Project Details

24-12-2023 - 24-12-2023

President Rtn Harbinder Dullat and First Lady Kamaljeet hosted an overnight Christmas party for RYE students on Christmas Eve. RYE students from Brazil, France, Germany, Mexico and Spain were hosted at their farm house. District 3131 RYE officers :RYE Director Rtn. CD Mahajan, Rtn Sareeka, Rtn Surinder Sharma along with our President Rtn Harbinder and First Lady Rtn Kamaljeetas an inbound chair were present in the celebration. RYE students cooked and served their native cuisine to the rotarians. It was an overnight stay with a full-on Christmas party with Santa, gifts, games, and lots of happiness.

Project Details

Start Date 24-12-2023
End Date 24-12-2023
Project Cost 5000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 1
No of direct Beneficiaries 8
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Special Projects