Rotary 3131 - Project Details

18-10-2023 - 18-10-2023

Define Objectives: Clearly define the objectives of the cycle distribution program, such as promoting education, improving mobility, and empowering underprivileged children. 2. Identify Beneficiaries: Collaborate with local schools, community organizations, or social workers to identify deserving children who would benefit from receiving bicycles. 3. Secure Funding: Seek financial support through fundraising campaigns, donations from businesses, sponsorship, or partnerships with local organizations. 4. Budget Allocation: Develop a budget that includes the cost of purchasing bicycles, safety gear, and organizing the distribution event. 5. Select a Venue: Choose a suitable venue for the distribution event. It could be a local school, community center, or an open space where children and their families can gather.

Project Details

Start Date 18-10-2023
End Date 18-10-2023
Project Cost 10
Rotary Volunteer Hours 1
No of direct Beneficiaries 12
Partner Clubs no
Non Rotary Partners yes
Project Category Economic and Community Development