Rotary 3131 - Project Details

04-01-2024 - 10-01-2024

Due to strike in Anganwadis, the mid day meal normally given to anganwadi children is not provided. This has affected the health of children and about 66 children have been affected to malnutrition. Our club RC Poona West in synergy with RC Deccan Gymkhana, RCP Synergy & RCP Sarasbag distributed 66 kits to these children. The kit contains nutritious food items as informed by ZP CDPO Paud .

Project Details

Start Date 04-01-2024
End Date 10-01-2024
Project Cost 85800
Rotary Volunteer Hours 70
No of direct Beneficiaries 66
Partner Clubs RC Deccan Gymkhana RCP Synergy RCP Sarasbag
Non Rotary Partners ZP Pune
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment