Rotary 3131 - Project Details

12-09-2015 - 12-09-2015

Some special time was spent with the senior citizens at Janseva Foundation. Our club members presented old movie songs to the gathering of senior citizens there. It was decided that we should have our regular meeting with the people living in Janseva Foundation Old Age home, so that we could interact with them and provide them with a few moments of enjoyments. They enjoyed the program very much. They commented that they felt 10 years younger because of the same. The caretaker mentioned that this program will give them something to discuss for the next 15 days. The club also gifted the senior citizens with some fruits.

Project Details

Start Date 12-09-2015
End Date 12-09-2015
Project Cost 5000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 250
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Janseva Foundation
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment