Rotary 3131 - Project Details

20-09-2023 - 20-09-2023

Every year during Ganesh Visarjan,nearly 10-15 tonnes of Garland flowers are dumped into river Patalganga @ Rees . This waste does not only choke and pollute rivers and the organisms living in them, but also contaminates the water with pesticides and chemical fertilizers used to grow the flowers. RC Patalganga in association with Rotaracy club of Patalganga have initiated a flagship project of collecting this flower waste at river banks and avoid being thrown in river directly, during all 3 visarjan days. The collected waste flowers and garlands are then segregated and used to make compost. The entire project is Executed by Rotaract club members and we as parent club supported them by providing Nirmalaya collection boxes, taking permission from Local authorities and Police department, providing snacks and refreshments to Rotractors and also motivate them by being present during the entire project. The impact of the project is that this year we could collect nearly 8-10 tonnes of flowers waste and saved it from being dumped directly into the Patalganga river. This is a small but most important step taken to protect river from pollution and save our environment. This flagship project is appreciated by all community and other organisations in and around Rasayani area. It is a huge PI project wherein community witnesses the good work being done by Rotaract and Rotary.

Project Details

Start Date 20-09-2023
End Date 20-09-2023
Project Cost 120000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 785
No of direct Beneficiaries 99999
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Environment, Water and Sanitation