Rotary 3131 - Project Details

10-09-2023 - 10-09-2023

The Rotary Millet Jatra 2023 was organized on 10 September 2023 at Alpa Bachat Bhavan. Rotary of Pune Camp was the host club in synergy with 18 other clubs of District 3131. Rotary Club of Poona Midtown was one of the synergy partner. The program was inaugurated by lighting the lamp by Chief Guest PDG Pankaj Shah, Vikas Patil, Rafiq Naikwade, the high officials of the agriculture department and the honoured farmers. Ganesha Vandana, Lathi Kathi etc was presented to the attendees with a discussion on millet, various types of breakfast pulses, and many other items were on sale. Information about whole grains, Millet walkathon, Benefits of whole grains to the body and how Whole grains can be useful for problems like diabetes, hypertension was provided. The attendance of members from our club was overwhelming. President Minal Avachat, Secretary Smita Shah, PP Sachin Deshpande, PP Sunil Hingmire, PP Rajesh Raut, PP Abhijit Mhasakar, Rtn. Suraj Pashankar, VP Nitin Gadre, Rtn. Sameer Mohire, Rtn. Shubhada Jathar, Rtn. Bhalchandra Darekar, Rtn. Sharmika Deshpande, Rtn. Dhananjay Kale, Ann Vrushali Deshpande, Ann Manisha Kale and Ann Vaibhavi Raut were present.

Project Details

Start Date 10-09-2023
End Date 10-09-2023
Project Cost 10000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 110
No of direct Beneficiaries 1000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category District Thrust Area