Rotary 3131 - Project Details

21-09-2023 - 25-09-2023

In this project the Rotary club of Pune Baner, along with the Rotaract Club of IIEBM joined hands with the Pune Municipal Corporation in creating awareness about not polluting the river and in helping PMC with proper disposal of nirmalya, the flowers and other organic offerings that remain during Ganapati visarjan. About 50 Rotaractors from IIEM spent 3 days at the viasrjan ghats under the supervision of Rotarians. They helped PMC in collecting idols and collecting nirmalya. More than 350 people offered to donate their Ganapati idols . This project helped the Rotaractors to contribute their efforts towards river conservation.

Project Details

Start Date 21-09-2023
End Date 25-09-2023
Project Cost 20000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 500
No of direct Beneficiaries 10000
Partner Clubs Rotaract club of IIEBM
Non Rotary Partners Pune Municipal Corporation
Project Category Environment