Rotary 3131 - Project Details

06-01-2024 - 06-01-2024

In January ,Members with family of Rotary Club of Pune Phoenix visited Baramati. The Fellowship and assimilation commenced with the enchanting Ganpati arti at Morgaon followed by a delightful shopping spree at Paithani Mahotsav conducted by our club. The fellowship continued as we explored the cotton king factory and a visit to aviation school at the Baramati Airport engaging ourselves by fun and frolic throughout the visit.

Project Details

Start Date 06-01-2024
End Date 06-01-2024
Project Cost 10000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 80
No of direct Beneficiaries 49
Partner Clubs Rotary Club of Pune Phoenix
Non Rotary Partners Cotton King and Baramati Aviation School
Project Category Economic and Community Development