Rotary 3131 - Project Details

24-09-2015 - 24-09-2015

The club has sponsored Aanganwadi in the Remote area Gherasinhagad in Durukdara. Gherasinhagad is the area around the Sinhagad fort in hilly area. Durukdara village area is in the jurisdiction of group Grampanchayat Thopatewadi, Gherasinhagad. There is Aanganwadi in Thopatewadi but it is far away from the Durukdara and many children from the age group of 2.5 to 5 years are not able to participate Aanganwadi. Therefore basic education and other facilities available in Aanganwadi are not available to these children in Durukdara. Our club has sponsored Aanganwadi in Durukdara by appointing Mrs. Sonali Londhe as Aanganwadi Tai. The Aanganwadi has started from participation of 15 children from the 1st day on 24/09/2015. We have provided school bags, slates, toys, black board, books, sweets and other education and other materials to the Aanganwadi. Initially we are going sponsor honorarium and expenses for food till the said Aanganwadi is taken by the Panchayat Samittee. Inauguration was made by the hands of vice president Taluka Panchayat Samitte Haveli Mr. Kisan Jori. Mr. Kisan Jori assured to take the Aanganwadi under the control of Panchayat Samitee Haveli by completing necessary formalities as early as possible. Our club through Aanganwadi Tai is also going to have literacy programme in the villages.

Project Details

Start Date 24-09-2015
End Date 24-09-2015
Project Cost 30000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 15
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic education and literacy