Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-08-2023 - 31-05-2024

It is great pleasure to inform you that my patented technology Natural Energy Wastewater Treatment (NEWT) which is offered without Royalty to Rotary is getting implemented at Ashramshala Pratishirdi Shirgaon as CSR Project through RCP Bavadhan Elite and RC Poona west. Thanks to President IPP Smeeta Shitole , President Vipin Ghate, President Yogesh Bhangale and all members of both clubs. Bhoomipoojan is done on 25th Jan 2024 by Saibhakt Shri Praksh Devale Shri Saibaba Sansthan Pratishirdi Shirgaon & Sapana Laalchandani (Trusted Secretary)Pune. Sewage Treatment plant will be commissioned in middle of March 2024. Treated sewage will be used for WC flush and gardening. Rtn Rajendrakumar V Saraf

Project Details

Start Date 01-08-2023
End Date 31-05-2024
Project Cost 876000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 100
No of direct Beneficiaries 400
Partner Clubs RCP Poona West
Non Rotary Partners CSR funding from Newt Technology Viraj Envirozing India Pvt. Ltd. Ashram Shala , Near Saibaba Mandir Shiragao
Project Category Environment