Rotary 3131 - Project Details

02-02-2024 - 02-02-2024

We are delighted to share the success of the recent Eye Check-up Camps conducted at Anjuman I-Islam Udru and English Medium High School, Bund Garden Road, Pune in collaboration with the Community Eye Care Foundation. This camp aimed at providing comprehensive eye examinations to school children and were instrumental in identifying and addressing potential vision issues. On January 30 to February 2, 2024, th e Eye Check-up Camp took place at Anjuman I-Islam Udru and English Medium High School, Bund Garden Road, Pune, where a total of 1,915 + children underwent thorough eye examinations. Among these children, 115 were referred to the clinic for further intervention, 231 will be refraction and 1 low vision. Additionally, 99 staff members took advantage of the initiative and had their eyes checked for potential issues. Reading Glasses Given to 63 staff members. A visit by Rtn. Delshad Karanjia was greatly appreciated. The ophthalmologist from the Community Eye Care Foundation carried out the camp with great expertise and dedication, and our driver Datta is always happy to be part of the team and is a great help too. We were welcomed and taken care of by the school with breakfast, lunch and cups of tea. A very happy and helpful staff. The camp was run very efficiently with their help. We were grateful for the opportunity.

Project Details

Start Date 02-02-2024
End Date 02-02-2024
Project Cost 10000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 150
No of direct Beneficiaries 2100
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment