Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-04-2024 - 01-04-2024

Zilla Parishad Primary Center School Kadus No. 1, Taluka Khed, Distt. Pune school was given "E learning kit" by our club. The ceremony was held at the school on April 1, a school Rtn. Rajesh Parkhi attended as a child. This program was attended by President Minal, Secretary Smita Shah Rtn. Rajesh Parkhi, Vice President Rtn. Nitin Gadre was present

Project Details

Start Date 01-04-2024
End Date 01-04-2024
Project Cost 56000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 32
No of direct Beneficiaries 250
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic Education and Literacy