Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-03-2024 - 07-04-2024

The Expert Group on Groundwater Management and Ownership (Planning Commission, 2007) notes that in 2004, an alarming 28% of the blocks in the country were in the category of semi-critical, critical and overexploited as compared to 7% in 1995. In other words, in 28% of blocks, the annual groundwater draft is more than the net annual groundwater availability. Majority borewells are dried up , Rotary district 3131 this year has taken the task of recharging dried borewells. RCP Gandhi Bhavan has taken this project and first lot of 10 borewells in Pueandar- under 10 ZP Schools are completed. The recharge of the borewells will result in overall yield enhancement and improved groundwater quality. The BoreCharger will increase the rate of recharge of the deeper aquifers from the water that is been stored in the upper unconfined zones. This will result in increased endurance of borewells. This project is taken by District 3131 as Thrust Area project. TOTAL 41 Borewell recharge completed. 11 are in Purandar Tehsil- Z.P.Schools (Sponsored by Fidel-softech)and 30 in Dhangwadi -Bhor (Sponsored by Save The Indian Farmers)

Project Details

Start Date 01-03-2024
End Date 07-04-2024
Project Cost 1200000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 450
No of direct Beneficiaries 6000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Fidel Softech Pune (CSR Partner) Save The Indian Farmers (NGO) Urdhwam Environmental Technologies Pvt Ltd (Implementer)
Project Category District Thrust Area