Rotary 3131 - Project Details

16-04-2024 - 24-04-2024

RCPC has supported the Summer Camp RYLA at the Jagruti School for over 20 years, and this has always been the highlight of the school year for the students. This year too, they have planned a slew of activities to help the students to learn new skills through this medium. The Inauguration Function was attended by Rtn Anil Bora, Rtn Shashi Saxena and yours truly. The President and 9 members of the Inner Wheel Club of Pune Central were present. The Chief Guest for the function was a young man, who has made a name for himself in Hindustani Classical Music, Viraj Joshi. Grandson of the all-time great Pandit Bhimsen Joshi, Viraj certainly is a chip of the old block, not only as a singer, but also as a mature speaker. He held the audience spellbound. Rtn Anil Bora presented two “Alexa” – Talking Dolls to the school. These dolls, after being gifted were quickly changed into the school uniform and were a great hit among the students. The Inner Wheel Club conducted a Fun-Fair for the students, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Project Details

Start Date 16-04-2024
End Date 24-04-2024
Project Cost 150000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 150
No of direct Beneficiaries 300
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic Education and Literacy, Special Projects