Rotary 3131 - Project Details

26-11-2023 - 27-11-2023

The Rotary Club of Panvel Mahanagar recently participated in a Multi-District Residential RYLA organized by the Rotary Club of PeN, offering a diverse array of activities that encompassed various Rotary avenues, fostering personal development, community engagement, and global awareness. The event showcased the Rotary Club's commitment to addressing pressing issues and promoting positive change across different spheres of society. Through a series of engaging sessions and activities, participants were immersed in topics ranging from peacebuilding and conflict resolution to environmental sustainability, women empowerment, diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as basic education and literacy, disease prevention and management, and disaster and crisis management. Under the theme of peacebuilding and conflict resolution, participants were treated to a skit on 'Peace and Love for Humanity' and a meditation session led by Mr. Hrishikesh Joshi, promoting inner peace and compassion. Dr. Neeta Kadam's discussions on cybersecurity, child crime, and legal regulations added depth to the conversation. In the realm of environmental conservation, a drawing competition centered on 'Save Environment' and a skit on garbage management highlighted the importance of sustainable practices. These activities underscored the Rotary Club's dedication to preserving the planet for future generations. Women empowerment took center stage with a powerful dance performance, showcasing the strength and resilience of women. Additionally, efforts to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion were evident in the welcoming atmosphere that embraced students from various backgrounds, fostering a sense of unity and acceptance. Further sessions delved into topics such as basic education and literacy, disease prevention and management, and disaster and crisis management, providing participants with valuable insights and practical knowledge for leading healthy and successful lives. Beyond educational sessions, the RYLA offered a range of enriching activities, including personality development games, craft, dance, skits, talent hunts, DJ sessions, and traditional celebrations like Diwali, fostering camaraderie and cultural exchange among participants. The RYLA provided participants with valuable skills, knowledge, and experiences that will empower them to make positive contributions to society and become effective leaders in their communities.

Project Details

Start Date 26-11-2023
End Date 27-11-2023
Project Cost 90000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 210
No of direct Beneficiaries 67
Partner Clubs 1. Ratan karol RC Panvel Central 2. Sudhir Chakole RC Panvel Mahanagar 3.Jay bhandarkar RC Panvel Industrial Midtown 4. Harbindar Dullat Singh RC Nigdi Pune 5. Pankaj Vora RC Bombay Peninsula 3141 6. Thane Passion 3142
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic Education and Literacy