Rotary 3131 - Project Details

28-10-2023 - 28-10-2023

Health Check-Up Camp** - **Date:** Saturday, October 28th - **Time:** 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM - **Location:** Nitalas Zilla Parishad School During this health check-up camp, we will be extending our services to the residents of the surrounding villages. The camp will include: - Blood Pressure Check-Up - Body Mass Index (BMI) Measurement - Bone Mass Density Assessment Collaborate with the Rotaract Club Of Panvel Industrial Town, Snehadeep Foundation, Gandhi Hospital, and Panvel Hospital to make this event a success.

Project Details

Start Date 28-10-2023
End Date 28-10-2023
Project Cost 15000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 395
No of direct Beneficiaries 130
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Rotaract Club Of Panvel Industrial Town, Snehadeep Foundation, Gandhi Hospital, and Panvel Hospital
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment