Rotary 3131 - Project Details

22-06-2024 - 22-06-2024

Rotary Club of Panvel Elite (RID 3131) & Rotary Club of Thane Hills (RID 3142) came together to combat cervical cancer through a large-scale vaccination drive. The primary objective was to vaccinate young girls against the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), which is known to cause cervical cancer. The secondary objective was to raise awareness about cervical cancer and the importance of early vaccination among the community and local schools. We planned this vaccination drive by collaborating with over 40 RZP Schools & other educational institutions in Pen Taluka with the help of our RCC Borgaon Elite, Mr. Surendra Vywhare and his team and Dr. Sonali Vange, a renowned gynaecologist in Pen, assisted us in creating awareness among the community & schools. We implemented this Vaccination Drive in 4 Phases - 4 Different Days Partners in Service: • Rotary Club of Thane Hills • Rotaract Club of Panvel Elite • RCC of Borgaon Elite • Jivika Healthcare Foundation

Project Details

Start Date 22-06-2024
End Date 22-06-2024
Project Cost 3650000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 300
No of direct Beneficiaries 794
Partner Clubs • Rotary Club of Panvel Elite Charitable Trust • Rotary Club of Thane Hills • Rotaract Club of Panvel Elite • RCC of Borgaon Elite
Non Rotary Partners • Jivika Healthcare Foundation • Sobatee Foundation
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment