Rotary 3131 - Project Details

20-06-2024 - 30-06-2025

Pandharewadi Gram Panchayat faces a critical issue with inadequate electricity supply, leading to a lack of street lighting in the area. This poses significant challenges to the safety and security of the community members, especially during the night. Therefore, there is a pressing need to address this issue by implementing a sustainable and reliable street lighting solution. Considering the electricity scarcity, solar street lights present an ideal solution for providing illumination without relying on the grid. Goals of Project: The primary goal of the project is to enhance the safety and security of the Pandharewadi community by installing functional solar street lights. Additionally, the project aims to alleviate the inconvenience caused by the lack of proper lighting and improve the overall quality of life for residents. IMAPACT:-Implementing solar street lights in Pandharewadi will profoundly enhance the community's safety and security, particularly at night, reducing the risk of accidents and crime. This improvement will alleviate the inconvenience caused by inadequate lighting, fostering a sense of security and well-being among residents. With reliable and sustainable lighting, independent of the unreliable electricity supply, community members can engage in more outdoor activities and social interactions after dark, promoting social cohesion. Additionally, the project will contribute to environmental sustainability by reducing reliance on fossil fuels, leading to a cleaner and greener environment. Improved street lighting will also enhance the overall quality of life, encouraging economic activities and creating a safer, more vibrant community. This initiative sets a precedent for other regions facing similar issues, demonstrating the viability of solar energy as a practical and eco-friendly solution to electricity scarcity.

Project Details

Start Date 20-06-2024
End Date 30-06-2025
Project Cost 2200000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 100
No of direct Beneficiaries 40000
Project Category Environment