Rotary 3131 - Project Details

05-09-2023 - 30-10-2023

We have started this project with the aim that our brave solders, posted on Siachen border in very adverse weather conditions, should also enjoy DIWALI festival. As a token of our gratitude towards them, our club ran a campaign to gather funds for buying sweet boxes. All members through their personal social media groups made the appeal. Club members and many non-rotary friends supported this idea and we collected Rs. 3,50,000/-. We sent sweet boxes & greeting cards to 700 solders directly to their locations. IMPACT – • We were able to create awareness in our surroundings that we are enjoying our Diwali festival because they are our brave solders keeping tight vigil on our country borders. People willingly donated for this noble project. • We conducted a project in our interact club members at Abhinav School. All interactors made beautiful Diwali greetings (750 nos) using the material provided by our club. Interactors were very happy and were feeling proud that they got opportunity to convey their love & respect directly to the solders. • Afterwords our club got many appreciation messages even phone calls from solders. Many of them liked the greeting cards and were overwhelmed by love & respect shown by the interactors. • With this project we were able to inculcate national sprit and patriotism in our interactors. • Future potential – • Possibility to get good members • Possibility to raise good funding for rotary projects.

Project Details

Start Date 05-09-2023
End Date 30-10-2023
Project Cost 210000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 250
No of direct Beneficiaries 700
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Economic and Community Development, Special Projects