Rotary 3131 - Project Details

23-06-2024 - 23-06-2024

Objective: To Screen a highly motivational film for members of our Interact and Rotaract Clubs, who have serious Physical, Visual and Hearing Impairments, as also for the Maharashtra Wheelchair Cricket Team. Project Description: Chandu Champion, a recently released film is a Biopic based on the life of Murlikant Petkar, a Padmashri Awardee, winner of India’s First Individual Gold Medal at the Paralympic Games at Munich in 1972. The project envisaged screening this film for all students and Youth that our club is associated with who have severe Physical, Visual and Hearing constraints, so that they can see how, Murlikant, a severely wounded army soldier, paralysed from waist downwards, overcame his difficulties and won a Gold Medal. The added bonus was that Mr. Murlikant Petkar himself was present for the movie screening, and interacted with the Students and other youth present, which was a great morale booster for these children. Impact: All the students and their parents and teachers who were present were visibly moved by the film, which has received excellent reviews in all newspapers and electronic media. After the movie, when they saw that the ‘actual’ Murlikant Petkar was amongst them, they were thrilled beyond words, and rose to give him a standing ovation, besides shouting Slogans of Joy. It was atruly inspirational film, and all present had moist eyes at the end of the film. Conclusion: This event was a path-breaking event in many ways; it was the first time many of the attendees had seen a film in a top-of-the-line multiplex; they were treated to special treatment like good seating, a great ambience and the usual frills like Popcorn and Soft-Drinks; It was based on thel ife of a paraplegic, as many of them were; the hero of the film was from a rural background, as many of them are. It helped them a great deal to reassure themselves that they can overcome their difficulties and become winners.

Project Details

Start Date 23-06-2024
End Date 23-06-2024
Project Cost 20000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 150
No of direct Beneficiaries 225
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention