Rotary 3131 - Project Details

25-04-2024 - 20-06-2024

Interactive Braille M/c donation to Vision Blind School - Braille literacy rate in India is less than 1%. The pedagogy of Braille education requires one-one teaching and supervision. The lack of special educators and outdated braille teaching methods have resulted in inefficient classroom teaching and slow learning outcomes. Enabling self-learning will ensure that visually impaired students learn braille at their own pace and achieve early-stage literacy. Also there is a correlation between braille literacy and cognitive development. Learning braille helps in improving cognitive skills in these children. RCP Gandhi Bhavan has identified Vision Blind School which caters to around 150 visually impaired children. and additionally deaf and dumb children, It is a residential school catering to marginalized visually impaired students from remote villages across India. The education and stay is provided free of charge . Innovative award winning and nationally recognized Digital device ‘Annie’ teaches children with visual impairments to read, type and write in braille through games and lessons using audio guided content. Annie will help out teachers to teach braille to these students with ease & in the long term students will be able to learn braille on their own. Annie will help in enhancing the learning outcomes of these children. We will set up Annie Smart Class with 8 nos in next 2 months. 2 nos of "Annie" for Rs 186000 are installed and being used regularly Another 13 Nos are in pipeline (under execution) with total project cost of Rs.13,95,000/-

Project Details

Start Date 25-04-2024
End Date 20-06-2024
Project Cost 1395000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 180
No of direct Beneficiaries 1500
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Dassault Systems Rtn. Nisha Parnerkar M/s Oerlikon Balzer
Project Category Basic Education and Literacy