Rotary 3131 - Project Details

07-07-2023 - 23-12-2023

Under this project pediatric laparoscopic equipments, instruments & accessories were donated. (Total project cost Rs 32500/-) Impact – 1. Using these equipments, now the surgeons can do the surgeries even on neonatal child patients. 2. Using these surgical equipments patients have little blood loss and patients can recover in less time with less post operative medication & care. 3. Such surgeries are done almost free of cost. 4. When these facilities were not available, poor families had to pay exorbitant charges in private hospital. 5. Project greatly satisfies community need. 6. As per MOU signed with Sassoon hospital these equipments will be maintained using hospital funds by executing AMC / CMC with supplier.

Project Details

Start Date 07-07-2023
End Date 23-12-2023
Project Cost 160000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 135
No of direct Beneficiaries 300
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category District Thrust Area, Maternal and Child Health