Rotary 3131 - Project Details

24-06-2024 - 24-06-2024

In collaboration with Rotary Club Alephata Central and its auxiliary club Rotary Club Nigdi, various facilities have been provided in ten Anganwadis under the Innovative Service Project. These facilities include colored and talking walls, cupboards, indoor toys, white boards, e-learning TV sets. Through this project, learning in Anganwads will become more engaging and effective, as well as supporting the holistic development of children. In these Anganwadis Rajuri two Jadhav Wadi two Khodad three Nandur Khandarmal one such Anganwadi were made in association with Rotary Club Alephata Central and Rotary Club Nigdi. aanganwadi name -aanganwadi kendra-1}rajuri--gogadi,ranmala 2}khodad-gadachiwadi,gaothan,malwadi 3}jadhavwadi-shilmala, gaothan 4}nandur khandarmal 5}ale-wagholi mala 6}walunjwadi 1. *Talking Walls*: Walls with colorful pictures and educational information, which make children more interested in learning. 2. *CUPBOARD*: A cupboard equipped for storing educational materials, toys and other items. 3. *Indoor Toys*: Toys useful for physical and mental development of children. 4. *White Board*: White board for teachers to teach and teach children to write. 5. *E-Learning TV Set*: E-Learning TV Set to facilitate digital learning. All these facilities will make learning in Anganwads more effective and enjoyable.

Project Details

Start Date 24-06-2024
End Date 24-06-2024
Project Cost 800000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 48
No of direct Beneficiaries 850
Partner Clubs rotary club of nigadi
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category District Thrust Area, Special Projects