Rotary 3131 - Project Details

13-06-2024 - 13-06-2024

RCPD has taken up an unique responsibility of changing the lives of many such persons by donating the physically handicapped with Tricycle shops. These cycle shops are totally modified to suit the needs of the recipients, as some of them are paralyzed in their legs or have problems with their hand movements Objective: Self-employment opportunity to unemployed handicapped persons. Outcome: Handicapped person become self-supporting and confident, and thereby making them useful to their family and society at large, resulting in living a dignified independent life. The human spirit is one of ability, perseverance and courage that no disability can steal away. Disability is a matter of perception Today 15 Tricyle shops were donated to the derserving

Project Details

Start Date 13-06-2024
End Date 13-06-2024
Project Cost 600000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 70
No of direct Beneficiaries 15
Partner Clubs RCPD
Non Rotary Partners Pravin Masala Wala Trust
Project Category Economic and Community Development