Rotary 3131 - Project Details

09-04-2024 - 02-06-2024

On June 2, 2024, the RC Poona Airport organized a fundraiser "Dil Hai Chota Sa Choti Se Asha." The event aimed to raise funds to support infants and children suffering from congenital heart disease (CHD). It was the first of its kind ever held in Rotary District 3131. The evening featured mesmerizing Odissi dance performances by internationally renowned artists. The highlight of the evening was the presentation of a cheque worth 31.5 lakh rupees to a hospital committed to performing life-saving surgeries free of cost for children with CHD. This generous donation will enable the hospital to save 22 young lives, bringing immense joy and relief to their families and relatives. The promotion included, standees, billboards, well designed passes, trophies & certificate for donors, videos endorsed by movie celebrity, Rotary Brand photo booth was set up for the invitees, attendees were given magnetic heart shaped thank you souvenirs in our club branded envelopes, project was covered in social media, generated a lot of media attention and will get coverage in GML and news papers The RC Poona Airport's initiative not only underscored the power of art in conveying significant messages but also showcased the community's dedication to making a real difference in the lives of children with heart conditions. The success stands as a testament the club's innovative approach to fundraising and its unwavering commitment to “service above self.

Project Details

Start Date 09-04-2024
End Date 02-06-2024
Project Cost 3300000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 250
No of direct Beneficiaries 150
Partner Clubs RC Khopoli, RC Sunrise
Non Rotary Partners Mainland Spaces, Life Inspiration Advisory LLP, Gentec, Asters , donors and sponsors
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment, Maternal and Child Health