Rotary 3131 - Project Details

08-06-2024 - 08-06-2024

Details of a spiritually enriching and community-focused event organized by the Interact Club of Panvel Mahanagar. Recently, our members embarked on a "Blessing Ride" to the revered Ganpati Balaji Mandir, followed by a visit to the nearby Gaushala. This event was designed to foster spiritual growth, community service, and a deeper connection with nature and animal welfare. Event Highlights: Visit to Ganpati Balaji Mandir: The Blessing Ride commenced with a visit to the sacred Ganpati Balaji Mandir. Our members participated in a serene and uplifting prayer session, seeking blessings for health, prosperity, and the success of our community initiatives. The peaceful environment of the temple provided an ideal setting for reflection and spiritual rejuvenation. Gaushala Visit: Following the temple visit, the Interactors proceeded to the Gaushala. This part of the ride was particularly significant as it emphasized the importance of compassion and care for animals. At the Gaushala, members had the opportunity to interact with the cows, learning about their role in sustainable agriculture and the benefits of organic farming practices. Objectives and Impact: Spiritual Growth: The visit to Ganpati Balaji Mandir provided an opportunity for spiritual reflection and community bonding, reinforcing the values of peace, harmony, and collective well-being. Animal Welfare Awareness: The Gaushala visit highlighted the importance of animal welfare and ethical farming practices. It served as an educational experience, raising awareness about the role of cows in agriculture and the necessity of humane treatment. Community Service: This event underlined the Interact Club's commitment to service and community engagement. By participating in this Blessing Ride, our members not only sought spiritual blessings but also contributed positively to the community through their actions at the Gaushala. Conclusion: The Blessing Ride to Ganpati Balaji Mandir and the subsequent Gaushala visit were highly successful in achieving their objectives. The event provided a balanced blend of spiritual enrichment and practical learning, reinforcing the core values of our Interact Club.

Project Details

Start Date 08-06-2024
End Date 08-06-2024
Project Cost 200
Rotary Volunteer Hours 60
No of direct Beneficiaries 30
Partner Clubs Interact Club of Panvel Mahanagar
Non Rotary Partners Runathon Cycling Group
Project Category Special Projects