Rotary 3131 - Project Details

05-06-2024 - 05-06-2024

"Save the Earth" Bicycle Rally organized by the Interact Club of Panvel Mahanagar. Held on 5th june 24, this event was designed to promote environmental awareness and encourage sustainable transportation practices within our community. Event Overview: The rally saw enthusiastic participation from members of the Interact Club, local residents, and supporters of environmental causes. The cyclists traversed through key routes in Panvel, spreading the message of sustainability and the urgent need to protect our planet. Objectives and Goals: Promoting Sustainable Transportation: The primary aim of the bicycle rally was to highlight the benefits of cycling as an eco-friendly mode of transport. By choosing bicycles over motorized vehicles, participants showcased how individual actions can collectively reduce carbon emissions and contribute to cleaner air and a healthier environment. Raising Environmental Awareness: The rally served as a platform to educate the community about the pressing issues of global warming, pollution, and the depletion of natural resources. Through slogans, banners, and public addresses, the participants emphasized the critical need for immediate action to preserve our planet for future generations. Encouraging Community Participation: The event aimed to foster a sense of community and collective responsibility towards environmental conservation. By engaging local residents, schools, and other community groups, the rally encouraged widespread participation and commitment to sustainable living practices. Conclusion: The "Save the Earth" Bicycle Rally was a resounding success, effectively promoting environmental awareness and the benefits of sustainable transportation.

Project Details

Start Date 05-06-2024
End Date 05-06-2024
Project Cost 200
Rotary Volunteer Hours 80
No of direct Beneficiaries 40
Partner Clubs Interact Club of Panvel Mahanagar
Non Rotary Partners Runathon Cycling Group
Project Category Environment