Rotary 3131 - Project Details

28-04-2024 - 28-04-2024

organization of a Bicycle Rally on the occasion of the Majhi Vasundhara Abhiyan. This event, organized by the Rotary Club of Panvel Mahanagar in conjunction with Panvel Mahanagar Palika, took place on 28 April 24 and aimed to promote environmental sustainability and raise awareness about the importance of protecting our planet. Event Overview: The Bicycle covered key routes throughout Panvel, with participants advocating for the Majhi Vasundhara Abhiyan – an initiative focused on preserving and nurturing our environment. The rally saw enthusiastic participation from community members of all ages, including students, professionals, and environmental enthusiasts. Objectives and Goals: Promote Environmental Awareness: The rally aimed to educate and inspire the community about the importance of environmental conservation and sustainable practices. Encourage Sustainable Transportation: By promoting cycling as an eco-friendly mode of transportation, the event highlighted the benefits of reducing carbon emissions and improving air quality. Foster Community Engagement: The rally brought together diverse segments of the community, fostering a sense of unity and collective responsibility towards environmental protection. Impact and Outcomes: Raised Environmental Awareness: The rally successfully raised awareness about environmental issues and encouraged participants and onlookers to adopt more sustainable lifestyles. Promoted Healthy Living: By encouraging cycling, the event also highlighted the health benefits of physical activity and outdoor exercise. Strengthened Community Bonds: The rally fostered a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose among participants, reinforcing the importance of community involvement in environmental initiatives. The Rotary Club of Panvel Mahanagar remains dedicated to organizing such impactful initiatives in the future, continuing our mission to protect and preserve our planet.

Project Details

Start Date 28-04-2024
End Date 28-04-2024
Project Cost 500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 100
No of direct Beneficiaries 50
Partner Clubs Interact Club of Panvel Mahanagar
Non Rotary Partners Runathon Cycling Group
Project Category Environment