Rotary 3131 - Project Details

06-01-2024 - 06-01-2024

the Rotary Club of Pen, in collaboration with the Interact Club of Asha Kiran School, successfully completed a ground leveling project at Asha Kiran School. The initiative aimed to enhance the school's infrastructure, providing students with a safer and more accessible environment for outdoor activities. A team of dedicated Rotarians and enthusiastic Interact Club members worked tirelessly throughout the day. The project involved removing uneven patches, filling depressions, and ensuring a smooth, level surface across the school's playground area. This effort not only improves the aesthetic appeal of the school grounds but also significantly reduces the risk of injuries during playtime. The Rotary Club of Pen's commitment to community service and youth development was evident in their meticulous planning and execution of this project. The collaboration with the Interact Club underscores the importance of involving young people in community service, fostering a sense of responsibility and teamwork. Overall, the ground leveling project at Asha Kiran School stands as a testament to the Rotary Club of Pen's dedication to creating positive change and enhancing educational environments for future generations.

Project Details

Start Date 06-01-2024
End Date 06-01-2024
Project Cost 15000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 144
No of direct Beneficiaries 20000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Interact club of Asha kiran.
Project Category Basic Education and Literacy, Economic and Community Development