Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-01-2024 - 14-06-2024

RC Poona West sponsored 15 underprivileged women for a specialized course of General Duty Assistant (Nursing) at Tech Mahindra Smart Academy of Healthcare, Pune. This course is of 4 month's duration including one month internship with a hospital.

Project Details

Start Date 01-01-2024
End Date 14-06-2024
Project Cost 90000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 200
No of direct Beneficiaries 25000
Partner Clubs RC Poona West sponsored 15 underprivileged women for a specialized course of General Duty Assistant (Nursing) at Tech Mahindra Smart Academy of Healthcare, Pune. This course was of 4 month's duration including one month internship with a hospital. Happy to learn that post successful training, all the women have got the job with reputed hospitals / senior citizen living organizations. The course completion / certificate handover was held on June 14, 2024 at the academy.
Non Rotary Partners Tech Mahindra Smart Academy of Healthcare, Pune
Project Category Economic and Community Development