Rotary 3131 - Project Details

13-06-2024 - 13-06-2024

Every year Dindi festival from Ane village goes to Pandharpur on foot along with 400 to 500 people go to Pandharpur for darshan of Vitthal all the needs of these people like food, accommodation, medical and all other facilities are met but the toilet facility is not completed so our clubs Ane village has been given a trolley toilet, five female and five male toilets have been given, this will help the physical condition of these people who walk for 15 days and the people who sit outside in the open and the pollution caused will be closed. A toilet block will help

Project Details

Start Date 13-06-2024
End Date 13-06-2024
Project Cost 430000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 40
No of direct Beneficiaries 1300
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners shri rangdaswami devasthan trust ane
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment, Environment, Happy Village, Special Projects