Rotary 3131 - Project Details

17-06-2024 - 17-06-2024

our recent initiative to support senior citizens and needy individuals in our community. The Rotary Club of Panvel Mahanagar organized a donation drive to provide essential items to enhance the quality of life for residents of Girija welfare association old age home kharghar. Event Overview: On 17th June 24, our club undertook a heartfelt mission to assist those in need by donating essential items to the elderly and underprivileged individuals. The donated items included clothes, walkers, toilet chairs, and adult pads, aimed at improving their daily comfort and well-being. Items Donated: Clothes: A variety of clothing items suitable for different weather conditions were donated to ensure that the senior citizens and needy individuals have adequate and comfortable clothing. Walkers: Walkers were provided to help those with mobility issues, promoting independence and safety in their daily movements. Toilet Chairs: Toilet chairs were donated to assist those with limited mobility, ensuring dignity and ease in personal care routines. Adult Pads: Adult pads were provided to address incontinence issues, enhancing comfort and hygiene for the elderly residents. Objectives and Goals: Support Senior Citizens: To provide essential items that improve the quality of life and ease the daily challenges faced by senior citizens. Promote Dignity and Independence: To aid mobility and personal care, ensuring that the elderly and needy can maintain a sense of independence and dignity. Foster Community Care: To demonstrate our commitment to serving the most vulnerable members of our community and fostering a spirit of compassion and care. Impact: The donation drive had a profound impact on the recipients, bringing smiles and a sense of relief to many senior citizens and needy individuals. The items donated are expected to significantly improve their daily living conditions and provide much-needed support.

Project Details

Start Date 17-06-2024
End Date 17-06-2024
Project Cost 35000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 150
No of direct Beneficiaries 75
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Other Projects