Rotary 3131 - Project Details

26-12-2023 - 26-12-2023

some older adults move into an old age home voluntarily, others may have no other options due to financial, social, or health-related circumstances. The purpose of old age home is to provide safe and secure haven for those with nowhere else to go and no one to support them. According to recent studies, roughly 68% of people may have no visitors at all. The reasons for this are too numerous to list here, but the reality is that seniors living in these facilities may feel lonely or out of place, harming their mental health and physical health. Kindness is vital, but so is having a good time. We often forget that older adults enjoy having fun just as much as anyone else. Once you’ve retired, life isn’t simply about going for walks, watching TV, and obtaining the finest restaurant discounts. Money, friendships, and the stress of day-to-day living are all concerns for people over 65. It’s possible that they don’t have somebody to talk to about their issues. Looking for opportunities to be that accommodating ear for them is one approach to help. Today we visited Old Age Home at Panvel to spend some quality time with elderly people to listen to their stories. We organised Karaoke Music and songs for their entertainment. All seniors enjoyed the program and danced to the songs

Project Details

Start Date 26-12-2023
End Date 26-12-2023
Project Cost 50000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 120
No of direct Beneficiaries 65
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Happy Village, Other Projects