Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-07-2023 - 01-12-2023

Yogesh Alekari the youngest member (Age 32) of our Sahawas Club took the Bike Tour from Mumbai to London and back. District Director Shobha Nahar and Zonal Chair Nilesh Zoting of International Service (both from Sahawas Club) and other club members encouraged Yogesh for this International Peace Building activity. Rotary Wheel logo was prominently displayed on his Royal Enfield Himalayan Motorcycle. Yogesh travelled across 27 countries for around 29000 Km and met numerous people, Indian Ambassadors, Rotary Club members during his travel of 139 days. We were thrilled to hear from him that he was greeted with Puran poli brought by Maharashtrian Rotary member of Turkey Rotary club. The total expenditure of the project was Rs 25 lakhs. When we asked him, what he gained by spending so much of personal money, his answer was unique. He said that It helped hhim to understand various diverse culture on our universe, got an opportunity to stay with, dine with different people, opportunity to talk about India and Rotary with them, experiencing their friendship and affinity about Rotary work. He was very happy about the support he got from four Rotary Clubs during his journey and their warm welcome parties. Rotary Club of Pune Sahawas feels very happy about Yogesh and his piece and friendship spreading activity. We not only gave him a warm Sendoff and Welcome Party but supported also with whatever help, club can do.

Project Details

Start Date 01-07-2023
End Date 01-12-2023
Project Cost 10000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 1500
No of direct Beneficiaries 300
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention