Rotary 3131 - Project Details

18-06-2024 - 18-06-2024

Mega Health Checkup Camp organized by the Rotary Club of Panvel Mahanagar on 18th June. This comprehensive health camp provided various essential health tests free of charge, emphasizing our commitment to community health and well-being. Event Overview: The Mega Health Checkup Camp witnessed the enthusiastic participation of 600 registered individuals, making it a significant community event. the camp aimed to offer accessible and preventive healthcare services to residents, ensuring early detection and management of health issues. Services Offered: The following health tests were conducted without any charge: Blood Test: Comprehensive blood screenings to check for various health indicators. Diabetes Check: Blood sugar testing to detect and manage diabetes. Heart Health Check: ECG and other tests to monitor heart health and detect potential cardiovascular issues. Bone Health Check: Bone density tests to assess bone health and detect osteoporosis. Dental Check: Dental examinations to promote oral hygiene and identify dental issues. Cancer Screening: Early detection screenings for various types of cancer. Eye Check: Vision tests and eye health assessments. Objectives and Goals: Early Detection: Provide early detection of health issues to enable timely treatment and management. Health Awareness: Raise awareness about the importance of regular health checkups and preventive care. Accessible Healthcare: Ensure that essential health services are accessible to all community members, regardless of their financial status. Event Highlights: Professional Medical Team: A dedicated team of doctors, nurses, and healthcare professionals provided their expertise and services, ensuring high-quality care for all participants. Efficient Organization: The event was well-coordinated, with designated areas for each type of test, ensuring a smooth and efficient process for all attendees. Community Engagement: The camp saw active participation from various segments of the community, fostering a sense of collective responsibility towards health and well-being.

Project Details

Start Date 18-06-2024
End Date 18-06-2024
Project Cost 150000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 60
No of direct Beneficiaries 600
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners Vande Mataram Riksha and Taxi Sanghatan
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment