Rotary 3131 - Project Details

07-06-2024 - 14-06-2024

As June is fellowship month and in recent times our club had 5 Annet's who passed their 10th std exams with good score and ranks so we thought to appreciate them separately and then we felicitated them with Gifts . We had invited District Resource Trainer Rtn Chandrakant Chilgunde for giving away the gifts by his hand . DRT helped us to make the meeting intresting by make all of us play Rotary Tambola. while Playing Rotary Tambola game all members and Annet's were busy with thw activity and engaged till end . Rotary Tambola is very admiring game as it gives Rotary inforrmation in the form of game and many of us won gifts. All of us enjoyed playing it and took dinner after which we distributed choclates and clicked Rotary Family Picture.

Project Details

Start Date 07-06-2024
End Date 14-06-2024
Project Cost 15899
Rotary Volunteer Hours 105
No of direct Beneficiaries 40
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Other Projects, Special Projects