Rotary 3131 - Project Details

15-06-2024 - 22-06-2024

Rotary Club of Poona West in synergy with RC Pune Kharadi organized a unique program called "Bus Itna Sa Khwab Hai"-2 for school children. The program was organized for children of BV JSS AshramShala at Bakori, Near Wagholi, Pune. The eminent speakers like Doctors, Motivation speakers, sport trainer address the student to promote their overall development, career and leadership. The project was completed under CSR initiative of m/s Evolent

Project Details

Start Date 15-06-2024
End Date 22-06-2024
Project Cost 26000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 30
No of direct Beneficiaries 200
Partner Clubs RC Puene Kharadi
Non Rotary Partners m/s Evolent
Project Category Special Projects