Rotary 3131 - Project Details

02-05-2024 - 19-06-2024

Our Club donated 2bed Neo natal ICU and Neopuff to Sheth Tarachand Ramnath Charitable Ayurvedic Hospital. This hospital caters to the lowermost economic strata of the society. The equipment they had was very old and now they have the latest. The Neopuff is a portable baby warmer and also has an oxygen generating unit and is used to transport the infants from one hospital to another. Each month about 2 babies are treated on each Ventilator. The equipment has an extended warranty for 2 years so the number of beneficiaries has been calculated for 2 years. 50 infants per year X 2 years = 100 beneficiaries

Project Details

Start Date 02-05-2024
End Date 19-06-2024
Project Cost 375000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 30
No of direct Beneficiaries 100
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Maternal and Child Health