Rotary 3131 - Project Details

17-02-2024 - 04-03-2024

7 Sisters Car Rally The Rotary Club District 3131 organized a car rally named "7 Sisters Car Rally" that took place in 17th February and 4th March 2024. It was an exhilarating journey through the enchanting landscapes of India's northeastern states, navigating through capitals, main tourist attractions, and venturing to four international borders before converging back in Siliguri on March 4th. The rally not only served as a celebration of adventure but also aimed to ignite a spirit of unity and progress throughout the North East region. It was a remarkable showcase of camaraderie and adventure with 56 enthusiastic participants from various 16 Rotary clubs within District 3131. Some of the key aspects of the 7 Sisters Car Rally were: * Social causes: Beyond the thrill of the rally, participants were committed to championing critical societal issues like environmental protection, organ donation, promoting literacy (Naya BHARAT), and combating drug abuse. • Rotary Clubs Collaboration: Rotarians expressed their commitment through innovative means like street plays, flash mobs, surprise performances, and collaborative efforts with local Rotary clubs along the rally route. • Naya BHARAT Spirit: Each of the 15 participating cars proudly displayed branding reflecting the spirit of NAYA BHARAT, symbolizing a collective vision for a progressive and inclusive India. The 7 Sisters Car Rally was a successful event that combined adventure with social awareness and community engagement. It is a great example of how Rotary Clubs can use their resources to make a positive impact.

Project Details

Start Date 17-02-2024
End Date 04-03-2024
Project Cost 200000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 150
No of direct Beneficiaries 65
Partner Clubs RC Pen Orian, RC Nigadi, RC Pune West
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Special Projects