Rotary 3131 - Project Details

15-06-2024 - 15-06-2024

Virbak Animal Health Pvt Ltd sanctioned toilet building under CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) fund which is likely to improve hygiene and health conditions in the area. This fund is important for people's health, as lack of sanitation can lead to many health problems. Such CSR activities enable companies to fulfill their social responsibility and contribute to the development of the society. Virback Animal Health Pvt Ltd has done a very important work by sanctioning toilet building project in high school at Mangrul Pargaon under CSR fund. The toilet facilities in this high school were already in very bad condition, causing health problems and inconvenience to the students. The project will provide students with clean and accessible toilet facilities, which will improve their health and increase school attendance.  This initiative will enhance the quality of life of students and teachers in the high school and create a clean and healthy environment. Such CSR initiatives help in improving the quality of education.

Project Details

Start Date 15-06-2024
End Date 15-06-2024
Project Cost 500000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 160
No of direct Beneficiaries 650
Partner Clubs
Project Category Disease Prevention and Treatment, Water and Sanitation