Rotary 3131 - Project Details

08-08-2023 - 14-11-2023

companies contributed are: Concentric 1200000 Baker Hughes 4900000 Phoenix Mechanio 1000000 Riverside CST 2500000 ENPRO CSR borewell 1800000 ENPRO medical projects 10200000 Pooja Castings 3000000 Vitesco 9700000 gkn 1100000 WILO 1000000 Vision Tek 500000 Total 39400000

Project Details

Start Date 08-08-2023
End Date 14-11-2023
Project Cost 39800000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 9999
No of direct Beneficiaries 99999
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category District Thrust Area, Economic and Community Development