Rotary 3131 - Project Details

15-03-2024 - 29-06-2024

• Area of project- 2.5 acres For plantion of flowering forest trees (primary stage) • Lake area – surrounding fencing area 90 mtr x 80 mtr x hight 2mtr x width 2.5 ft • Inner lake construction area – 30 mtr x 40 mtr x Depth – 3mtr x 2.5 ft • walk way surround lake – 720mtr x 3 mtr (black stone pathway) • Solar Street Lights 25 NOS • Benches 20 NOS • Fencing • Canopy to pathway area rest points

Project Details

Start Date 15-03-2024
End Date 29-06-2024
Project Cost 587500
Rotary Volunteer Hours 20
No of direct Beneficiaries 4
Partner Clubs Rotary Club of Roha
Non Rotary Partners Archroma India Private Limited
Project Category Economic and Community Development, Environment, Happy Village