Rotary 3131 - Project Details

30-08-2023 - 30-11-2023

RC Rajgurunagar with the association with RC Pune Camp and other clubs had constructed more than 300 Vanarai Bandhara all over in the Pune district. It is a type of dam or water harvesting structure that is typically built across a stream or river to collect water for irrigation and other uses. Here are some key points about Vanarai Bandhara which has been built by Rotary with the help of Krishi Vibhag Maharashtra Shasan - Construction: Built using locally available materials like stones, sand, and cement. - Purpose: Collects water for irrigation, drinking water, and other domestic uses. - Location: Built across a stream or river, usually in rural areas. - Length: Varies depending on the location and purpose, but typically around 50-100 feet long. - Height: Usually around 3-6 feet high. - Benefits: Helps to conserve water, reduce soil erosion, and increase crop yields. Please note that the information provided is based on general knowledge and may not be specific to a particular location or context.

Project Details

Start Date 30-08-2023
End Date 30-11-2023
Project Cost 25000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 50
No of direct Beneficiaries 60000
Partner Clubs RC Pune Camp and others
Non Rotary Partners Agriculture Department of Maharashtra Givt.
Project Category Water and Sanitation