Rotary 3131 - Project Details

01-07-2024 - 01-07-2024

Celebrating National Postal Worker Day! On July 1st, 2024, the Rotary Club of Panvel Mahanagar had the honor of celebrating National Postal Worker Day at the head post office in Panvel. We are grateful for the dedication and hard work of our postal workers who keep our community connected and thriving. A big thank you to all the postal workers for their relentless service and commitment. Your efforts are truly appreciated!

Project Details

Start Date 01-07-2024
End Date 01-07-2024
Project Cost 5000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 50
No of direct Beneficiaries 100
Partner Clubs Rotary Club, RCC Club and Interact Club.
Non Rotary Partners Head Post Office Panvel
Project Category Special Projects